Building Engineering
Includes structural, electrical, mechanical, communications, seismic, life cycle innovation & safety, geotechnical and all other services done for the construction of buildings and facilities.

  1. Commercial - includes private clients
  2. Institutional - includes hospitals, schools, public infrastructure...

Community Development
Includes urban land engineering provided during the planning and development of residential, commercial, recreational, major community parks and revitalization development projects.

Contaminated site clean-ups, solid-hazardous waste handling and treatment, environmental assessment studies and other special environmental projects.

Natural Resource Production
Forestry, mining, metallurgy, industrial. Includes facilities and process engineering.

Sustainable Design
Includes projects demonstrating a unique approach to environmentally responsible, energy and resource efficient design using a balanced Triple Bottom Line approach of social responsibility, environmental stewardship and economic viability.

Transportation Infrastructure

  1. Transportation Structures
  2. Roads, interchanges, airports, mass transit

Water Resources

Dams, water & wastewater infrastructure, water supply/treatment plants, erosion control, stormwater management. Also power generation and transmission. Includes all related services.


Project Management
Recognizes consulting engineers’ skills in managing and coordinating services on a client’s project.

Community Outreach and In-House Initiatives
Includes contributions and services for the community, in-house management programs for improving efficiency, profitability and staff training. Judges will be looking for factual demonstration supported by testimonials.

Small Firm - Big Impact
Defined as N# of 100 or less. Can be any type of project. Example: Environmental, water resources and in either Innovation or Business categories.

Studies, Software and Special Services
Non-design engineering, including studies and reports, monitoring, computer software programs.