Past Events & Photos

Click here to view the pictures. 

  1. Details
  2. Fees



This is a CEA member-only event.

The CEA Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo Mixer event attracts RMWB Department Managers, Staff, Project Managers, and CEA Members. Registration includes an assortment of appetizers, a hosted drink and the cost sharing of hosting the guests from the RMWB. 

Mixer Sponsor

For $100, we will add your company logo on table cards and acknowledge your company’s name during the mixer. Click here to sponsor. 


5:00 pm     Mixer Begins
5:15 pm  Food Served
6:00 pm Welcome 
8:00 pm Mixer Ends
Time: 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Venue: The Banquet Bar and Drinkery
  155 Eagle Ridge Blvd
  Main Floor, Fort McMurray
Register: Click here to register. 
Sponsor: Click here to sponsor. 
Registration Deadline:     Tuesday, October 10, 2023 noon
Refund Cut-off Date:  Thursday, September 21, 2023